User delete

Last update.: 22/05/2020

In this tutorial, we are going to teach you how to make changes to the user's permission type,

Every user within ConsciusMAP has their permission type. It can be an "Admin" and it will be able to make any type of change within the System. Or you can have its type "Read" and be able to access the ConsciusMAP, but it will have restrictions and you will only be able to consult the system and you will not have permission to make changes within the system.

If you want to change the type of user permission. you will have the option to choose which user will be, "Admin" or "Reading".

Next, we will be teaching the step by step of how to change the type of user.

  • You must first access the Main Menu >> Configuration >> System User. The system will present a table with the names of users already registered within the System.

  • After accessing "System User", select the user you want to change and click "Edit".

  • When entering Edit, click "All Administrator" or "All Read" and click Save.

Soon, you have just made the user type change within ConsciusMAP.

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