Add the Nap

Last update.: 22/05/2020

To add a new NAP (Network Access Point) or optical termination box (CTO), to the system, press the "Add" button in this option. We start by defining the type of NAP, either "semi-distributed" (local convergence) or "distributed". We usually use "Distributed".

We enter the Main Menu, then the Campus and once inside press the "Nap" button, and the list of NAP that we have entered the system will appear. To add a new Nap to the system, what we are going to do is press the "Add" button and we start by defining the type of NAP, either "semi-distributed" (local convergence) or "distributed". We usually use "Distributed" as the following screen:

Nap loading screen

Now we can enter all the data required and required by the system to create the new siesta, the city from which it will be located, enter a code for this NAP, enter the location address of this NAP (street and number), and selecting on the map we will be able to locate its location. Then add a previously created Splitter for it, which reports the type of Splitter, which Primary Splitter it will connect to and which fiber of this Primary Splitter it will use. Finally, we select the location of this NAP on the map. Finally, select the "Add" option to save this record.

From this same screen we can now add the other Nap boxes to the corresponding dividers.

Nap loading screen

At the end of loading all the necessary data we will proceed to press the "Save" button. Once pressed, this new Nap will be added to our list.

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